AI or human translator?

We live in the age of artificial intelligence. Jokes about the blunders of Google translator and other machine translation tools are history. Today, neural AI attains exceptional accuracy in translating multiple languages, delivering near-flawless, naturally sounding language.
With leading digital platforms providing proficient free translators, why invest in hiring a professional translator?
I will give you 6 compelling reasons
- 1. Avoiding and correcting errors: AI translation is based on Natural Language Processing (NLP"). But this naturalness of the language is the main trap: precisely because the translation sounds and reads natural, it is all the more difficult to detect possible errors. And in a legal or financial translation, a translation error can have very serious consequences. Investing in a professional translator offers a double safeguard: a thorough review by a specialist and, in the worst-case scenario, liability insurance coverage.
- Mastery of the technical domain: Machine translators are fine for private relations and informal communications. But a company engaging in a cross-border transaction, or someone buying a house abroad, will not settle for free tools, just as they would not settle for the well-meaning advice of a close relative. Instead, they will turn to a specialist. At Asetradius we leverage tools refined by algorithms trained on millions of translation segments acquired through our many years of experience. Our in-house developed technical glossaries span various specialized fields and undergo continuous updates. From maritime transport and urban planning to pharmaceutical clinical trials, investment fund prospectuses and stock market flotations, we provide specific technical expertise.
- Context: Neural network AI has made significant strides from traditional machine translation in considering context, tone, and the ability to translate lengthy documents and projects, thus revolutionizing translation accuracy. But in this race, a human specialist's involvement remains crucial. Experts familiar with the document's subject matter comprehend the sector-specific terminology, grasp the legal-commercial context of the operation, and possess the discernment to review, detect errors, and train algorithms. Just as native language fluency was vital in traditional translation, human input remains indispensable.
- Localisation: The context considered by AI is that of the document, the project or, at most, the technical sector. Yet, professional translators go beyond this, knowing the cultural framework, idiomatic expressions, taboos, metaphors and puns. They have the flexibility to skilfully adjust the tone, nuances and emotions, preventing the translation from sounding rigid or generic. Translating is not just about converting from one language to another, it is about getting the message across effectively to an audience with a different cultural background. As our colleague Anna Rusconi so aptly stated, "Words travel worlds, translators are the ones who drive".
- Confidentiality: A neural translation tool is only as good as its algorithm and its database of human-translated segments. That is why platforms have for years offered their services free of charge, and still do, in exchange for the user-translated segments they leverage to train their algorithm. However, legal documentation necessitates and deserves confidentiality. It is not acceptable for such sensitive content to linger on third party servers, vulnerable to unauthorized access or hacking.
- Trust and collaboration: Employing a professional human translator not only gives you the peace of mind of being in good hands, but also fosters long-term personal relationships built on trust and collaboration. It increasingly aligns the translator with your wishes, objectives and way of doing business. The translator thus becomes an essential member of the client's team.